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Thomas Clausen's profil


Thomas Clausen

44 år

Hallo ny name is Thomas Clausen from Danmark . aemite np hav Drieam . Travel from new York , Phiadelphia , Washington dc , niagarafall , Dathoron , Loning , Chicago , Siuux Fall , Mount Roshmore , Bodkand np , Cody , Yellowstone , Grand Teston , Sul lake City , Bryce Conyon , Lake Powell, Grand Canyon , la Vega , maja ve Desert , Los Aneles , Fresno , Vosemite np , Sanfansiko . I have wisa 90 days and need help by local peaple WHO can help me showing the what i can see city . And helpi mi to get to NeXT city . I can on ly stay in every city for 3-4 days .It could nice if i stay by the peaple at night . My email is ( 2015 Marts to May (usa)

Navn: Thomas Clausen
Alder: 44 år
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